Monday, September 25, 2006
  Lorrie Collins - Another Man Done Gone
Here's a real nice one by Lorrie, who was half of the rockabilly duo The Collins Kids.

This song is an old folk song, but the lyrics got a serious overhaul for Lorrie's version. I see that Johnny Cash took a writer's credit for this, so I guess he did the rewrite.

Very weird arrangement, what with the harp (and I ain't talking mouth harp here) reverb fest, gutter blues guitar leads all thrown together. That odd effect at the beginning sounds like someone quickly scraping a guitar pick along a harp string. The whole thing has a downer / qualude feel that is strange and very cool.

Her singing is great, very sultry. I really dig how she whispers the last few words of certain phrases, like when she sings "I don't recall his name, but I was glad he came." That has got to be one of the sickest lines ever recorded!

Lorrie was quite a looker too, I think she dated Ricky Nelson for awhile.

Lorrie Collins - Another Man Done Gone.mp3

The only place I know to pick this up on CD is the Collins Kids box set on Bear Family.
Excellent. Those Collins Kids were surely a phenomenon - like Donny & Marie, only with talent.

Little guitar prodigy Larry tore up the place with speedmetal-paced rockabilly riffage, while his bombshell sister sang like an angel and made the barn dance perverts drool.

I still have an extended blues rendition of this song played at some hoity-toity jazz fest by a harmonica killer named Sugar Blue. Just straight harp and vocal, with the audience clapping along. The best experience would probably be to listen to that guy's version while looking at pictures of Lorrie Collins.
Fuck yeah, Lorrie was a looker - that Ricky Nelson knew a thing or two. Thanks for this, never heard any of her solo stuff - tho' one a my fondest memories is puttin' on Whistle Bait at a party and watchin a buncha cooler than cool French rockabillies flip their lids and ask me what it was... "A TWELVE YEAR OLD KID is singing thees? No!" Yeah!
If anybody's trying to track this record down, it's the flipside of The Collins Kids' last 45, The Lonesome Road, from '59.
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